Pizza Crew Owner Helps Schools Following Loss Of His Son

Last Update: Tuesday, 20th August 2024 22:49
Entrepreneur and pizza maker, Ciaran Kelly, is celebrating the opening of the new Pizza Crew store in Lisburn by giving children with additional needs the opportunity to have free pizza making classes.
Ciaran and his wife lost a child nine years ago and since then, the big-hearted Belfast man made the decision to help special schools.
Ciaran said: “I’ve been doing the pizza-making classes for 6 years now at the Andersonstown Road store and I’m so proud to say that over 3000 kids with additional needs have had the opportunity to be a pizza maker.
“Around nine years ago, my wife and I found out that we were having our second child. We discovered during a scan that when our son arrived, he would live for only minutes. As a family, we decided that those minutes would be packed full of our love.
“We named him Zak and when that wee man was born he fought so hard to stay with us and in the end, we had him for 8 hours. When I tell you we made the most of that time, I really mean it.
“Zak met his big sister, Zara; his grandparents and we told him about all the love we had for him – he knew he was special before he died. It’s still something we find very hard to talk about – you never really get over losing a child.”
Ciaran has created 20 new jobs in Lisburn and now the store is open, he would like schools in the local area, and beyond, to get in touch.
“The main reason I wanted to do the free pizza making classes is that if our son had lived, he would have been at the amazing special and specialist provision schools that work tirelessly to give children the best life possible.
“When the kids arrive at the classes, I let them know that they are part of the Pizza Crew and the kitchen is theirs for the day. They love it, they run riot, throw flour at one another - the giggles and the laughter are just so life affirming. And I imagine my wee Zak and what might have been and for a while, I don’t miss him so much. We went on to have another child, her name is Zoe Alana Kelly, she’s 6 now – Zak’s initials – so he’s always on our minds.”, commented Ciaran.
Over the last eight years, Ciaran, who has been making pizzas from the age of 17, has been a consistent employer in north, south and west Belfast, and now Lisburn.
Ciaran said: “When we opened our flagship store in 2017, it was myself and my two brothers chasing our passion for pizza with exceptional service. Fast forward to 2024 and we have gone from a few people and one store to a whole crew of 80 plus staff and 4 stores on the Andersonstown Road, Antrim Road, Ormeau Road and in Lisburn.”
Michelle Reid, from St. Paul's Primary School - Specialist ASC Unit, Belfast, said: “We treated our children to the free pizza-making class and their reaction before they even got there was one of joy. However, when they got stuck into the actual making of the pizzas, it was so gratifying to see pupils with various needs get so much out of it. Some of the children really loved playing with the dough, others loved the texture of the flour whilst some were more interested in the kitchen equipment. All of our children took something different away from the experience and I would recommend it to any primary school with specialist provision. We’re happy to be part of the Pizza Crew and would like to thank Ciaran Kelly for his dedication to our incredible pupils.”
If you are a special school, or have specialist provision, and want to avail of the free pizza making classes for your pupils, get in touch with Pizza Crew here